Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Vegan Mofo: School Lunch Post 1

Let's just jump right in, shall we?

My big little man, on his first day of grade one!
You can't tell from the picture, but he actually doesn't like school.
He's not a morning person.
He is pretty smitten with his teacher though.

My big little girl, on her first day of senior kindergarten.
She was her social self, making friends as soon as her toes were over the line between sidewalk to school grounds. The first thing she did was take a little girls hand.
Now every morning, she is like a busy bee going from flower to flower.
She just makes the rounds saying hello to kids, parents, boys and girls of any grade. 

Here is their lunch for tomorrow. Usually I have more crackers and vegan cheese items, but we have a  lot of fruit to be eaten and are out of the less healthy, 'fun' items.

From left to right along the top: Annie's gluten-free bunny crackers, blueberries, strawberry soy milk, olives, gluten free chocolate chip cookies.
From left to right on the bottom: A dish of grapes (concord and huge red grapes cut in half), strawberries and an applesauce.

I try to keep both of the kids lunches the same, because they like to tell each other what they ate after school. And as it seems to go with siblings, everything becomes a competition.

Here's a quick note about what is coming up..

Tomorrow is bread day at our local health food store. The shelves fill up with vegan, non-vegan and gluten free bread and baked goods. As fast as they fill up, items disappear. I try to get there in time for the kids special lunch treat, because Friday is treat day for my big littles.

This weekend I will try to photograph what a single vegan eats, because the kids will be away.

Next week, my small little starts story time at our library and the big littles and I take a field trip with the school to the International Plowing Match. I have my doubts on it's vegan food availability and more, so we plan to take a good lunch. Pictures will follow of the event.

My city is having a food festival next weekend, more to come later.

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